
About Us

From the Midwest, Family Oriented, Having Fun with My Craft

About Us

Hi! Thank you for visiting Sweet Elizabeth Designs!
I have always loved a good/funny t shirt!  Every family vacation that was my  souvenir. As soon as I was old enough I was buying any funny t shirt I could find! My mom, Elizabeth, loved the shirts!
I continued my t shirt obsession through my adult years.  8 years ago my mom passed away, I was left caring for my dad. My husband could see I needed a hobby and bought me a cutting machine. That was it ! I was in business!  started making shirts and mugs using vinyl and  before long I was making  shirts for friends, family and small businesses!
I have expanded to sublimation, adding tumblers, i phone covers, key chains, puzzles, you name it!
I hop you enjoy your visit to Sweet Elizabeth Designs and if you have any questions, just ask!!
Custom Picture Puzzle

Family Oriented

More than anything I love spending time with my families! I am a wife, mom and grandma😊.
My husband and I have been married 30 years! ❤️
My children have made me very proud and given me handsome grandsons. Family dinner and game nights are always a great time, when we can find time!

My Grandkids
Julie - The Design Artist

It's Me!

I truly hope you enjoy browsing my designs! I know I enjoy making them. There is nothing I love more than a happy customer, unless it is being able to personalize your purchase! Your name , kids sports number, business logo or a picture you send me, always extra fun to design these items.